Throughout his musical career, Philip Kraus has produced English singing translations for a number of opera and operettas. The main goal always was to produce a text that would sound natural for modern audiences, be true to the content and rhyme scheme of the original librettist, and have a musicality that partnered the composer's music.
The following works in translation are available for performance from Mr. Kraus himself. Inquiries may be made by using the information on the "contact" page.
Lehar: The Land of Smiles Premiered at Light Opera Works ______________________________________________
Monteverdi: The Coronation of Poppea (Alan Curtis Edition) Premiered at De Paul University ______________________________________________
Mozart: The Impresario (Performing version with dialogue) Premiered at The Chicago Cultural Center ______________________________________________
Offenbach: Orpheus in the Underworld (4 Act version) Premiered at Light Opera Works ______________________________________________
Pergolesi: The Maid Mistress Premiered at Northwestern University ______________________________________________
Puccini: Gianni Schicchi Premiered at Light Opera Works ______________________________________________
Puccini: Sister Angelica Premiered at Roosevelt University ______________________________________________
The following works in translation are handled by:
JOSEF WEINBERGER LTD. 12-14 Mortimer Street London W1T 3JJ tel 44 + (0)20 7580 2827 fax 44 + (0)20 7436 9616
Kalman: The Duchess of Chicago (written with Greg Opelka) American Priemere at Light Opera Works _______________________________________________
Straus: A Waltz Dream (written with Greg Opelka) Premiered at Light Opera Works _______________________________________________
The following works in translation are handled by:
MUSIC ASSOCIATES OF AMERICA 224 King Street Englewood, New Jersey 07631 tel (201) 569-2898 fax (201) 569-7023
Straus: The Chocolate Soldier (New translation and book) (written with Greg Opelka) Premiered at Light Opera Works Recorded on Newport Classics by Ohio Light Opera

NPD 85650 released in 1999